We Put Elite in your Head Not on Your Chest!
We Put Elite in your Head Not on Your Chest!
Work on your game at our camps to get Better! Faster! Stronger!
We teamed up with Activity Hero to bring you online baseball training beginning Coach Hoffman takes you though a step by step 4 week lesson to teach your approach to hitting, how to hit and how to be better at the hitting game for baseball and softball!
You have been out of the game! Work with Coach Evan on your form, mechanics, throwing, let him evaluate where you can get better and what drills you need to help you during COVID 19! Coach will work with 6-12 year old participants, with a direct emphasis on learning the primary fundamentals that lay down the foundation for elite play in pitching for baseball. This interactive pitching class is for you!
Players will learn about proper stretching, pitching mechanics, pitching drills, get evaluated on their form, drills they should use to get better and ask questions!
The class is available for beginners, intermediate and advance players looking to improve their game. We teamed up with Activity Hero to bring you online baseball training Wednesday August 12 @ 2p.m. (PST)
You can sign up or drop-in at any time!
Highlights from SMBA Spring Break "Allstar" camp and SMBA "Skills" Spring Break Camp!
Join your player in our annual Father's Day games at camp June 17th! This is the one day in the summer where you get to play in the best game of the year with your child!
Sign up at camp sign in!
Baseball Skills Clinics!
DATES: January 28 & February 4 (Sunday's)
Players learn the fundamentals of baseball and more seasoned players get tuned up with advanced teaching. Players can sign up for multiple clinics to work on multiple aspects of their game too! Players CHOOSE what they want to train on and we go to work!
Beginners -Intermediate -Advance players!
- Players of all abilities are welcome. Complete fundamental instruction with beginning concepts, terminology, and knowledge of the game. Our instructional lessons will be the first fundamental steps toward competitive baseball. Players learn the fundamentals of baseball and how to work as a team for a common goal. Players will learn the basics of hitting, base running, fielding. pitching and throwing techniques at this level. A stronger emphasis will be placed on playing by the rules and setting a strong fundamental baseball foundation to ready players for higher levels of baseball.
While the player should have basic fundamental skills, the goal of this division is to improve the player's skills and to place less emphasis on the competitive aspects of the game. Strong player development will be in effect at the intermediate level. The instructional design is to reinforce fundamental and introduce advanced concepts of youth baseball in a friendly, yet competitive environment with a strong emphasis on instruction and skill development. The focus is still on fundamentals and building a solid knowledge of the positions; the approach and the physical demands of the game. The Intermediate aspects IMPROVES the player, to build confidence, to prepare the player for increased competition, teamwork and the necessary skill level that players will develop to progress towards their next division or tryout. Intermediate players will fine-tune their skills and develop teamwork to prepare them for the upcoming season. While many players will have basic skills, the goal of the Intermediate clinics is to improve these skills and more emphasis on getting the most out of the player at this stage of his or her development.
- The player at this level has attained solid, strong, baseball knowledge and skills. The players at this level have developed into strong, confident baseball players. The pitching, fielding hitting is more skilled, player development is more advanced and position players are being taught advance techniques to further their skills. Advance players should demonstrate at all levels, the advance skills, leadership, and maturity with the ability to enhance their skills development, their rules knowledge, and situational baseball play in a competitive environment. Pitching, catching, base running, fielding or hitting will not stop with coach intervention for introductory rules teaching. Pitching catching, base running, hitting, and fielding will be more aggressive in nature. Their will be more specialization and coaches will be moving at a faster pace. The use of “off-speed” pitches, high velocity at bats should be age appropriate when assessing classes. The Advance clinic provides increased competition, teamwork and skill level that players have developed over the years, with a strong emphasis on polishing skills, improving dynamics and/or taking the player to a whole new level or approach to the game. The advance level is demanding and requires players full and immediate concentration at all times!
Beginning Pitching
Intermediate Hitting/base running
Advance Fielding
2pm-3pm am
Advance Pitching
Beginning Hitting/base running
Intermediate Fielding
3pm-4pm pm
Intermediate Pitching
Advance Hitting/base running
Beginning Catching
Beginning Fielding
4pm-5pm pm
Beginning Pitching
Beginning Hitting/base running
Advance Catching
Advance Fielding
The SMBA Friday Night Lightning BP hitting group workouts will be led by our National team, SMBA head hitting Coach Hoffman . Our workouts are specifically designed to educate and emphasize the core techniques and fundamentals to hitting excellence. The weekly process is developed to improve players' mechanics using a lot of hitting reps and playing defensively.
Members of our staff train players at a high level, for private workouts, high school and travel ball. As former collegiate and pro athletes, they are quite aware of what it takes and can identify physical gifts that need to be explored or sharpen skills that are not fully
developed! We are not bringing "toys" to the workouts! Players will learn how to use the fundamentals, swing mechanics, and develop exercises to increase their speed and agility naturally. In other words, "do the work!"
SMBA Friday Night Lightning BP Coaches
AGES: 10-14
Space is limited!
Each player will be taken through professional and collegiate drills and routines used by our coaches on their journey to elite play!
The hitting curriculum will be a 5-week lesson plan tailored to fit the needs of the players participating weekly. Lessons weekly will be designed so that it can be utilized by the players and parents to emphasize hitting concepts in
Swing Mechanics, Hitting velocity, Balance, and Power!
SMBA coaches train young athletes, year round, with camps, clinics, our club teams and private training, every day, 365 days out of the year! As coaches, mentors, former athletes, we know the mental and physical demands required to succeed in baseball. We train in mind and body!. Training with this level of experience and know-how, can truly give these players the mindset, the goal oriented perspective on performing at the level they need to reach their full potential for middle school and high school athletes!
Other programs talk about elite training and put the words on your chest! At SMBA, we put elite in your HEAD, so you play the way you dreamed of!
We concentrate on fielding, hitting, pitching, throwing, catching the RIGHT way with true fundamentals! We lay a foundation of elite sports performance training to enhance players athleticism, to make them more explosive, quicker and more dynamic!! If you bring it, you will get it from us! Our day is a new day of learning and fun in a positive environment with excellent coaches! Players learn the proper techniques for fielding, throwing, how to swing the bat properly, pitching fundamentals, speed and agility to help their athleticism and we scrimmage at the end of each day for players to take what they learned in the morning and play it in the afternoons!
OurFall Camp is a baseball training camp for players who would like to advance their skill sets for the 2025 season, travel ball tournament teams and more! This is acamp for baseball players looking to improve their game!! We know what they are looking for at each position and how to prepare you to be at your best!
Players will work one-on-one with SMBA instructors to evaluate their level of play and where to add strength to any weakness in their game!
• Players should bring their own gloves to camp.
• Players should wear a hat and sunscreen.
• Players bring their own bats
.• Catchers must bring own gear
• Baseball pants and socks are recommended
• Players are responsible for packing their own snacks, and drinks.
9 am – 3pm
Ages: 6-14
Memorial Park
info: santamonicabaseballacademy@gmail.com
Subway lunch available at noon! Sign up at check in!
Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or on the Allstar team or working your way up, this is the camp for you! Our camp is all about the fundamental and getting players next level skills or aspiring to refine their skills for elite baseball in travel ball and varsity level skills!
Pitching, catching, fielding, hitting, sliding, base running, turning and speed!
SUBWAY lunch available! Sign up and pay at check-in!
The SMBA baseball camp is a fundamental baseball training camp for players who would like to advance their skill sets for youth recreational baseball, Spring ball, travel ball and much more! Players will get individual attention, knowledge and skills at their level of development for strong confident players!
We have Subway! Order your lunch with camp for delivery at noon!
Santa Monica Baseball Academy offers quality instruction for ALL LEVELS of baseball. Instructions will be given by coaches who know the game. Players will practice pitching, catching, hitting, fielding and base running. This developmental program is designed with a direct emphasis on learning the primary fundamentals that lay down the foundation for elite play in baseball.
Players will be grouped by age and advance ability.
Players should wear baseball attire daily, including hats and cleats, sunscreen and water for hydration.
Space is limited!
October 5
November 5
November 11
Ages: 6-14
Memorial Park
This One Day hit session consists of players who will train with SMBA hitting coaches! Coaches will break down their swing mechanics, stance and speed! Work on your hit game with our coaches and get better today for your game in 2025! Players will do skill work in hitting, increasing velocity, balance, swing and agility drills. Players will also work on sliding, base running, turning and speed!
Players have been training for this moment! Work on your hit game with our coaches and get better today for your game in 2025! This baseball instructional program is to get better hitting and get better at seeing pitches, increasing your velocity! Players will do skill work in hitting, increasing velocity, balance, swing and agility drills. Players will also work on sliding, base running, turning and speed!
Players should wear baseball attire, including hats and cleats, sunscreen and water for hydratio
Coach Hoffman breaks down swing mechanics!
SMBA 16U and 18U National Pony Team hitting instructor
Santa Monica Little League Allstar hitting intructor
Santa Monica Little League Selects hitting instructor
Head Coach SMBA 14U Club Team
Head Coach SMBA 11U Club Team
Work on your swing mechanics, bat speed and power!
SMSBA Hitting Camp can prepare you for the 2025 season and get your swing right!
Marine Park
Ages: 10-14